裕福な暮らしから貧困層に転落した育ちの良い上品そうな人妻が覚悟を決めた風俗面接。 世間知らずで夫以外男性経験が少ないのに初対面の店長相手の実技講習で生本番!! でも久しぶりの生セックスに我を忘れて感じちゃう~!!
A sex interview in which a married woman who seems to have grown up and has fallen from the wealthy life to the poor decided to prepare. Although it is naive and has little experience with men other than her husband, it is a live performance with a practical training course for a manager who first met! ! But I forget about myself and feel the raw sex after a long absence! !
裕福な暮らしから貧困層に転落した育ちの良い上品そうな人妻が覚悟を決めた風俗面接。 世間知らずで夫以外男性経験が少ないのに初対面の店長相手の実技講習で生本番!! でも久しぶりの生セックスに我を忘れて感じちゃう~!!