ラグジュTV 1144 上司との不倫の末、新たな性癖に目覚めた美人事務員。挙句の果てにはAV出演を提案され…。透き通った印象とは裏腹に小悪魔の様な表情と言葉責めで男を骨抜きにするシーンは必見!
Luxu TV 1144 A beauty clerk who has awakened to a new habit after an affair with his boss. At the end of the story, an AV appearance was suggested. Contrary to the clear impression, it is a must-see scene to water a man with a little devilish expression and word blame!
ラグジュTV 1144 上司との不倫の末、新たな性癖に目覚めた美人事務員。挙句の果てにはAV出演を提案され…。透き通った印象とは裏腹に小悪魔の様な表情と言葉責めで男を骨抜きにするシーンは必見!